(التصنيف لحوم وأسماك)

The family company DIERICKX N.V. is already at the 5th generation. The production is mainly concentrated on deboning, cutting and packing of exclusively beef meat, as raw material for further processing. Several ways of deboning and cutting are being handled, just as the different possibilities in packing, such as fresh, vacuum or frozen, naked, in cartons or polybloc. We are very flexible towards the different needs of all kinds of clients in Europe and also everywhere in the entire world. The HACCP-quality control is in place since 1997, and from 2008 the Auto Control System is fully operational. This way of handling is being severly monitored through internal audits by the HACCP-team, suppliered by an external consultant, and through external audits from the Belgian Veterinary Department (FASFC) and external control organisms (AIB-Vinçotte). Even more; the certification Global Red Meat Standard (GRMS) - level A - is in place since 2015.