(التصنيف مشروبات وعصائر)

Cultivation of pepper for paprika was introduced in La Vera in the 16th century by the monks of the monastery of Yuste Jerónimos. Little is known of how the red fruit, elongated, also round, often spicy, was coming in kitchens and the bakeries using it in its origins for the conservation of food. It seems to be that the monks Jerónimos Monastery of Guadalupe, where Colon arrived after his first trip to America, they were who first cultivated the peppers. In some flour mill of the Guadalupejo River would be where for the first time would make the grinding of dried peppers. We can also deduce that the own monks Jerónimos of Guadalupe which carry up to the monastery of Yuste would be the secrets of cultivation of this plant and the mysteries of the elaboration of the new spice. The history of our company starts in 1938 when our brand is registered. Since then, a whole family saga has followed the tradition. Today with better means, Sons and Nephews of Pedro Sánchez, s.l. has obtained the certification NºES04 / 0778 that governs compliance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Standard.