(مطبخ المطبخ الأمريكي)
خدمات ومرافق
القائمة الإلكترونية

LIMA is a representation of the gastronomic expansion that has taken place in Peru during the last few years, with the idea of showcasing Lima to London, as the gastronomic capital of the Americas. Peruvian cuisine is a melting pot of different cultures which have come together to form a unique blend of flavours and techniques. With the arrival of European and Asian immigrants centuries ago, their ingredients and customs intertwined over the decades with those of the locals, creating what is known as Peruvian cuisine: one of the fastest growing gastronomic movements today. LIMA is the creation of world-renowned Peruvian chef, Virgilio Martinez and his partners, Gabriel & José-Luis Gonzalez. Robert Ortiz, Virgilio’s longtime friend, runs the kitchen.