(مطبخ المطبخ البحري)
خدمات ومرافق
القائمة الإلكترونية

HR: Konoba je filozofija života i duša mediterana kakav je nekad bio. Sada to bogatsvo mediterana možete okusiti u novouređenoj konobi Bracera, sestri restauranta Kaptolska klet, u srcu Zagreba na Kaptolu 5. Konoba Bracera mjesto je susreta različitih aroma i okusa. Isprobajte bogatu ponudu tradicionalne dalmatinske kuhinje te morske delicije spravljene po originalnoj recepturi, sa potpisom šefa Viktora Kranjćeca. Okusite našu bogatu ponudu, od zlatnih kapi domaćeg maslinovog ulja, svježe ribe, jela ispod peke ili samo ukusnu marendu. Zalogaj nije samo trenutak u kojem nestaje već plod uzgojen i njegovan, posebno odabran i ponuđen. EN: Tavern is the philosophy of life and soul of the Mediterranean as it used to be. Now you can taste the wealthy Mediterranean in the newly renovated tavern of Bracera, the sister restorer Kaptolska klet, in the heart of Zagreb at Kaptol 5. Konoba Bracera is a place of encounter of different aromas and flavors. Try a rich offer of traditional Dalmatian cuisine and seafood delicacies made with the original recipe, signed by Viktor Kranjćec. Taste our rich offer, from golden caps of homemade olive oil, fresh fish, dishes under the pie or just a tasty marendu. Bite is not just a moment in which the fruit is grown and nurtured, especially selected and offered.