Would you like to eat well? Would you like to have a guarantee that your fish is always fresh? Would you like to enjoy lovely view? Then KOGO restaurant is the right choice for you! Our restaurant inspired mainly by Italian cousine is located directly in the historical city centre of Bratislava. With its large terraces in mediterranean style opened all year around gives you a chance to enjoy the nice view of the building of the Slovak National Theatre and Hotel SAS Radisson Carlton. For us, the food is the most important thing. All meals are prepared from fresh ingredients, which are carefully selected and delivered several times per week directly from Italy. The meat, fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, proscuitto, mozzarella are always fresh. The part of our daily offer is home made pasta, desserts and home made baken bread. Especially our regular customers fancy our Daily special, which contains some specialities of the day prepared from seasonal ingredients. The good food is always underlined with great wine, so our wine list consists of more than 120 kinds of Slovak, worldwide and mainly Italian wines. With us you can experience causual atmosphere and feeling of good Italian restaurant near sea along with professional fast service.... Lets try... Buon appetitto! Chcete sa dobre najesť? Chcete si byť istý, že je vaša ryba čerstvá? Chcete si užiť nádherný výhľad? Ristorante KOGO je pre vás tou správnou voľbou! Naša reštaurácia, inšpirovaná prevažne talianskou kuchyňou, sa nachádza v úplnom centre Bratislavy. Celoročne prevádzkované terasy v stredomorskom štýle ponúkajú prekrásny výhľad na historickú budovu SND a Hotel SAS Radisson Carlton. Najdôležitejšie je pre nás jedlo Všetky jedlá varíme len z čerstvých surovín, ktoré si sami starostlivo vyberáme a viackrát týždenne vozíme priamo z Talianska. U nás vždy nájdete čerstvé mäso, ryby, plody mora, zeleninu, ovocie, prosciutto, mozzarellu.... Každý deň si sami vyrábame naše domáce cestoviny, dezerty a pečieme domáci chlieb. Hlavne stáli zákazníci si obľúbili našu ponuku dňa, ktorá obsahuje niekoľko denných špecialít prevažne so sezónnych surovín. Dobré jedlo vždy podtrhne dobré víno, preto naša vínna karta obsahuje viac ako 120 druhov slovenských, svetových ale hlavne talianskych vín. U nás sa snažíme o neformálnu atmosféru, no rýchlu a profesionálnu obsluhu tak, aby ste sa cítili ako v dobrej talianskej reštaurácii.... Stačí len skúsiť... Buon appetitto!
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