(مطبخ المطبخ الاوربي)
خدمات ومرافق
القائمة الإلكترونية

Welcome to us Restaurant Uleåborg 1881 has been eager already from year 2003 to find and serve something familiar and suitable for the scenery of Bothnia Bay, keeping also in mind the noble skill of traditional European cooking. Scandinavian, and especially northern Scandinavian world of flavors has been our compass needle in our journey in the seas of recipes. It has always been a joyful return back to home harbour, since the beautiful flavors from the kitchen back home have welcomed and assured us pleasantly of the simple fact that cooking is cooking as well as home as abroad, without forgetting our own roots, though the world is changing and soon there will be hardly any limits in the world. Still, the northern nights have remained light, and the intense flavors born in forests, fields and waters will still find their place in the puzzle of the flavors as they did also back in 1881 when this old house, our restaurant building, was built to store salt and agricultural products. Today it is still giving shelter for food, but offers also a comfortable and authentic surroundings for enjoyable and relaxed dining. Wishing You tasty and happy life