(مطبخ المطبخ الاوربي)
خدمات ومرافق
القائمة الإلكترونية

HR: Johann Franck je kafić, bistro, lounge bar i noćni klub u samom centru glavnog grada Hrvatske, Zagrebu. Preko dana možete uživati u Franck kavi – najboljoj kavi u gradu, s pogledom na glavni gradski trg, uživati u odličnim tradicionalnim hrvatskim jelima koje će za vas pripremiti najbolji hrvatski kuhari u našem bistrou te pijuckati najbolja vina iz svih krajeva Hrvatske. Zabava je navečer garantirana jer nudimo bogati noćni program s raznim DJ-ima, live nastupima, burleskom i partyima. EN: Johann Franck is a coffee shop, a bistro, a lounge bar and a nightclub in the center of the Croatian capital, Zagreb. Over the course of the day you can enjoy Franck coffee - the best coffee in the city, overlooking the main town square, enjoy the excellent traditional Croatian dishes that will prepare you the best Croatian chefs in our bistro and sip the best wines from all over Croatia. Entertainment is guaranteed in the evening as we offer a rich night program with various DJs, live performances, burlesque and parties.