(مطبخ المطبخ الاوربي)
خدمات ومرافق
القائمة الإلكترونية

HR: Gastronomska oaza smještena u neposrednoj blizini Lidl-a Donje Svetice 46c. Svojim gastronomskim iskustvom koji je duži od 15 godina, svakom gostu ponudit ćemo najbolje od tradicionalnih jela! Izazov nam je ugostiti Vas i ponuditi Vam sve gastronomske delicije naše gastro kuhinje. Okruženje našeg gastro prostora izuzetno je ugodno, što će Vam ostaviti dojam lagode dok uživate u jelima naše kuhinje. Bez obzira želite li brzo okrepljenje ili imate vremena uživati u hrvatskim i internacionalnim specijalitetima, restoran Kuhinja predodređen je za zanimljiva gurmanska iskustva. Ovaj restoran je postao omiljeno mjesto ljudi svih profesionalnih profila koji vole jesti raznoliko, ili uživati u laganim domaćim zakuskama uz čašu dobrog vina u ugodnom ambijentu. Kao što ima zvučno i lako pamtljivo ime, u centralnom mjestu restorana nalazi se velika otvorena kuhinja pa je spravljanje ukusnih jela u ovom restoranu i svojevrsna atrakcija. Gosti ovdje dolaze preko dana na poslovne ručkove, ili navečer u opuštenijoj atmosferi, pogotovo petkom i subotom kada u Kuhinji često i zasviraju tamburaši. “Bez svježih namirnica, ljubavi prema kuhanju i pozitivne energije nema dobrog jela”, životni je moto vlasnika restorana Nikice Perića. Zato restoran Kuhinja svakodnevno nudi ponudu dnevnih jela ovisno o svježim namirnicama, a na svakom dnevnom jelovniku gosti mogu pročitati i novu mudru izreku. “Vaš je um poput vrta. Brižno ga njegujte pozitivnim, ohrabrujućim i dobrim silama”, pročitali smo misao dana prije nego što smo naručili hranu. A naručiti se može mnogo toga. Najbolje je startati izborom hladnih narezaka jer se pršuti, kobasice i sirevi posebno rade za ovaj restoran u suradnji s pršutanom “Voštane”. Nakon velikog izbora domaćih, nimalo konfekcijskih juha, najtraženija su predjela slavonska šunka u bijelom vinu sa žgancima, ili hobotnica pohana u pivskom tijestu s toplom rikulom i krumpirom. Ljubiteljima morske hrane prijat će file brancina koji može biti poslužen s ovčjim sirom i rikolom, ili s pečenim maslinama i palentom. Sve se može lijepo zaokružiti desertom, a u Kuhinji se mogu pohvaliti da izrađuju vlastiti Ferrero Rocher, ili ukusnu tortu od sira. U “Kuhinji” je običaj i prirediti gurmanska događanja koja slave kuhinje različitih podneblja. Nakon što su održani “Dani Dalmacije”, “Dani Istre”, Dani Meksika” i “Dani Italije”, za desetak dana na redu je upoznavanje i gastronomije Argentine, pa će tom prilikom i interijer restorana biti tematski uređen. EN: Gastronomic oasis located in the immediate vicinity of Lidl, Donje Svetice 46c. With our gastronomic experience of more than 15 years, we offer our guests the best of traditional dishes! Our challenge is to host you and offer you all the gastronomic delicacies of our gastronomic cuisine. The environment of our gastro space is extremely comfortable, which will leave you the feeling of relaxation while enjoying our cuisine. Regardless of whether you want quick refreshment or have time to enjoy Croatian and international specialties, the Kitchen Restaurant is destined for interesting gourmet experiences. This restaurant has become a favorite place for people of all professional profiles who like to eat differently, or to enjoy light home-made seals with a glass of good wine in a pleasant ambience. As there is a sound and easy-to-remember name, in the center of the restaurant there is a large open kitchen, so making delicious meals at this restaurant and a sort of attraction. Guests come over the day at business lunches, or in the evening in a more relaxed atmosphere, especially on Fridays and Saturdays when the tambourines are often heard in the Kitchen. "Without fresh food, love for cooking and positive energy there is no good food," the lifeblood of Nikice Perić's restaurant owner. That's why the Kitchen Kitchen daily offers a daily selection of dishes depending on fresh food, and guests can read a new wise saying on each day menu. "Your mind is like a garden. Carefully nurture him with positive, encouraging and good spirits, "we read the thought of the day before we ordered the food. And there is a lot to be ordered. It is best to start with a selection of cold cuts, as ham, sausages and cheeses work especially for this restaurant in collaboration with prosciutto "Voštane". After a large selection of domestic, not confectionery soups, the most sought after are Slavonian ham in white wine with eggs, or octopus in a beer dough with hot cress and potatoes. The lovers of sea food will love the bark of a bark that can be served with sheep cheese and chicken, or with roasted olive and palent. Everything can be beautifully rounded up in desert, and the kitchens can boast of making their own Ferrero Rocher or a delicious cheese cake. In "The Kitchen" is the custom and prepare gourmet events that glorious cuisine of different ages. After days of "Dani of Dalmatia", "Days of Istria", Days of Mexico "and" Days of Italy "have been held, for ten days there is a visit to Argentine gastronomy and the restaurant interior will be thematically decorated.