(مطبخ المطبخ الأسيوي)
خدمات ومرافق
القائمة الإلكترونية

HR:Napokon 12.kolovoza 2013.godine otvoren je prvi Japanski restoran u Splitu u ulici Bana Josipa Jelačića 1, nasuprot ulaza u hotell Bellevue. Vlasnik g.Masahiro Okamoto inače inženjer, koji je radio 30 godina za Toyotu, odlučio se na ovaj hrabar potez i otvorio svoj prvi restoran. Hrvatsku posebno Split je zavolio, jer već 6 godina redovito tu dolazi, te je odlučio Japansku kuhinju približiti našem narodu. Japanski restoran Samuraj pravi je primjer tradicionalne japanske kuhinje čija je glavna karakteristika da je to zdrava hrana, lagana, niskokalorična, ne deblja te koristi samo najsvježije sastojke. Kuhanje za Japance nije samo pripremanje hrane već se smatra umjetnošću. Restoran Samuraj nudi razne vrste sushija imaju čak i sushi s pršutom, sashimi, tradicionalne juhe miso, te jela s rižom , piletinom , povrčem, svinjetinom. Pravi mali raj za oči i stomak. Od začina se dosta koristi limunska trava, ginger mljeveni i svjež, chilli , sake. Konzumiranje sirove ribe tzv sashimi za Japance je puno više od jela samog, to je obred revitalizacije, jedinstvo s prirodom. Dođite u restoran Samuraj te probajte miso,sashimi, sushi ili piletinu teriyaki i uživajte u specijalitetima dalekog istoka. Vaše želje meni su zapovijed Masahiro Okamoto. EN:Finally, 12th June 2013, the first Japanese restaurant in Split was opened at Ban Josip Jelačić 1, opposite the Bellevue entrance. Owner g.Masahiro Okamoto, an engineer who has worked for 30 years for Toyota, has decided on this brave move and opened his first restaurant. Croatia is especially fond of Split because it has been coming there regularly for six years and has decided to bring Japan's cuisine closer to our people. Japanese restaurant Samuraj is an example of traditional Japanese cuisine whose main characteristic is that it is a healthy food, light, low calorie, not thicker and uses only the freshest ingredients. Cooking for Japan is not just food preparation but is considered art. The Samuraj Restaurant offers various types of sushi with even sushi with prosciutto, sashimi, traditional miso soups, and meals with rice, chicken, vegetables, pork. A real little paradise for the eyes and stomach. Lemon grass, ginger ground and fresh, chilli, sake are quite useful from seasoning. Consuming raw fish the so-called sashimi for Japance is much more than a meal, it is a ritual of revitalization, unity with nature. Come to Samuraj's restaurant and try miso, sashimi, sushi or teriyaki chicken and enjoy the far-sighted specialties. Your wishes are commanded by Masahiro Okamoto.