(مطبخ البحر المتوسط)
خدمات ومرافق
القائمة الإلكترونية

BG: LOUNGE LOBBY BAR е първият белег за европейска класа. Разполага с 50 места. Атрактивните и много вкусни торти, сладкарските шедьоври са естествено допълнение към ароматното кафе. Асортиментът на напитките започва с цялото изобилие на безалкохолните, минава през видовете бира и стига до по високите градуси, включително и 21-годишно отлежало уиски. Всичко това -24 часа в денонощието. Заведението е с тераса и с възможност за настаняване на пушачи. EN: The four star Grand hotel „Shumen” is the biggest in the district and has accommodated royalties, heads of countries, tens of thousands of tourists and business travellers from Bulgaria and abroad. A majestic view towards the Shumen plateau with its restored castle and the “Creators of the Bulgarian state” monument is unveiled from the cozy hotel rooms. The first two capital cities of Bulgaria – Pliska and VelikiPreslav – are located very near, as well as the “Madara horseman” monument – carved into the rocks above Madara village many centuries ago, the monument which Bulgarians chose as the symbol of their country. The panoramic restaurant and “Shumen” tavern offer an excellent choice of diverse dishes, and the Wien confectionery is a pleasant spot for meetings for coffee, unique sweets and exotic cocktails. An indoor swimming pool, sauna, fruit bowls, wireless internet – a free opportunity for complete relaxation and connection to the global world. Grand Hotel “Shumen” welcomes you as dear guests and will make sure you feel right at home!