(مطبخ البحر المتوسط)
خدمات ومرافق
القائمة الإلكترونية

Entre visitas a ruas e monumentos centenários, encontre sabores portugueses em ligeiras refeições que se podem degustar durante a tarde e noite. No Fangas Mercearia & Bar pode partilhar momentos relaxantes e apreciar a deliciosa sangria caseira, a selecção cuidada de vinhos, de conservas e enchidos nacionais, as tostas saborosas e outros imperdiveis petiscos salgados e doces. Along with visits to monuments and centuries-old streets, find Portuguese flavours in light meals that you can enjoy in the afternoon or evening. In Fangas Mercearia & Bar, you may share relaxing moments and delight yourself with the delicious homemade sangria, a careful selection of wines, preserves and national sausages, tasty toasts and snacks and other unmissable savoury and sweets.