HR: Mađarska vina su Hrvatima toliko blizu, a tako daleko. Možda zbog jezične barijere, možda zbog fokusa na upoznavanje domaćih vina, ali Mađarska je vrlo nezastupljena i nepoznata većini ljubitelja vina iz Hrvatske. Dolaskom Huna u Bastion, dolaze tri vrlo specifična vina koja nikad dosada nisu bila dostupna u Hrvatskoj, i to sve uz prirodni pristup vinara. Odškrinite im vrata i dajte priliku mađarskim vinima u Bastionu! EN: Hungarian wines are so close to Croatians, and so far away. Perhaps due to the language barrier, perhaps because of the focus on getting acquainted with domestic wines, but Hungary is very uninhibited and unknown to most Croatian wine lovers. With the arrival of Honey in the Bastion, there are three very specific wines that have never been available in Croatia, and all this with the natural approach of the winemakers. Unlock their doors and give chance to Hungarian wines in the Bastion!
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