الاعلان في موقع ومجلة ال ريستورنتس

AllRestaurants Website & Magazine specializes in advertising intended for : Restaurant - Chef - Restaurants suppliers - Realty - Job in the field of gastronomy and restaurants.


The components and features of Advertising on AllRestaurants Website : 
• User account – It allows users to add multiple ads in each section of the website from the same account even in different countries ,also grant users full control of all ads like description / pictures / contact information. 
• Every user account consists of :

◦MY FILE – Registration profile for (Personal / company) which has total Data Protection , With the possibility for users to remove account from the site. 
◦MY ADS – it is information that will appear in advertising and publicly , it also allows for users to stop or displaying a particular ad and change the items of ad .

• Every Ad in www.allrestaurants.eu contain :

◦Contact Information connected with the function of Google Maps to show address and place of Restaurant. 
◦6 Pictures for every restaurant , company and chef ad , 1 picture for job ads , (The system automatically resize every picture to 800x600 pixel in the case if it is larger , and leave the original size if it is smaller , and every ad has the feature of (photos viewer) in full size. 
◦ad description (You can add a description in many languages).

• Every Ad in the website www.allrestaurants.eu will have many links as the following :

◦Link related with cuisine category (in each available languages ​​on the website). 
◦Link related with the country and city (in each available languages ​​on the website). 
◦Link in the Sitemap. 
◦Link to display every restaurant ad in a full page when user click (Read more).

• Every page in the website www.allrestaurants.eu contain 5 ads and the sorting of ads depend on:

◦Number of positive votes, which have been given to restaurant by visitors (+ / -)."the function available for restaurants ads only". 
◦The finishing date for registration or advertisement- it's for (Club Chef / Suppliers / Realty / Jobs) - newest ads will be first.

• Every Restaurant / company advertisement in the website will have also link in Facebook - AllRestaurants profile. 
• User of allrestaurants will receive "Newsletter" from the website , which will include information about the restaurant / gastronomy news / equipment / sample menus /website news and related topics. 
• On the homepage you can also add Flash advertisements (size 750x210 pixel) and all users can apply to use this function. 
• At the bottom of the page, you can add your company logo in advertising bar (this option only for "Supplies companies"). 
• Registrants on the website AllRestaurants for chefs , give them ability to add (for free) there files in the "Chef Club section". 
• In the Website www.AllRestaurants.eu is possible to register account as:

◦Company Account , allows users to place ads in :

■Section of Restaurants Ads. 
■Section of Chef club Ads. 
■Section of Suppliers Ads. 
■Section of Realty Ads. 
■Section of Jobs Ads.

◦Chef Account , allows users to place ads in :

■Section of Chef club Ads. 
■Section of Realty Ads. 
■Section of Jobs Ads.

◦Person Account , allows users to place ads in:

■Section of Realty Ads. 
■Section of Jobs Ads.

• Every user in the website have the right to sign advertising agreement with the service company for the duration of the advertising : 

• AllRestaurants service will send every 25th of every month to all members of the website and AllRestaurants database E-mails a Newsletter with title "TOP 5 RESTAURANTS AND CLUBS" the first Five Advertisements in the first page in the website whom had the maximum positive votes in the month.

The components and features of Advertising in AllRestaurants Magazine :

• AllRestaurants magazine is specialized in advertising for restaurants (in the bottom bar of every page there is a panel for suppliers companies advertising). 
• The normal advertising size for every restaurant in the Magazine is A5 , in every page will be two ads for restaurants, the bottom panel for suppliers advertisement , and it can be A4 size for one restaurant if the user order it. 
• The Magazine consists of a minimum of 64 full-color pages , and is published at least 10 000 copies in every country. 
• Printing and publishing the magazine in each country is separate operation, and it can issued in the language of the country only , or in many languages.. 
• Price of advertising in the magazine is 200 EUR net. 
• Places of Magazine Distribution:

◦Railway stations, Buses stations, Airports. 
◦Offices of :

- Tourist information.
- Tourist.
- Information offices in shopping malls and galleries.

◦Hotels, Hostels
◦Members of AllRestaurants. 
◦VIP companies. 
◦Tourist places. 
◦Embassies, the City Council, City Centre. 
◦Local Newspapers, Radio, Television.

• The prices of advertising can be found in the "PRICES PAGE" and are identical in all countries.