Grand-Star Ltd. is the owner of "Kubanochka" TM and for 18 years has been working to strengthen its position in the food market of Russia and the CIS. Since 1997 "Grand-Star" Ltd. has been producing bottled sunflower oil. It is necessary to notice that "Kubanochka" - one of the first domestic marks of fat-and-oil production which has received wide recognition thanks to introduction of the newest, at that moment, technologies on clearing and packing of sunflower oil and to the non-standard approach to registration of finished goods. To date, all products of TM "Kubanochka" has impeccable quality and unsurpassed design, ahead of most domestic and world manufacturers. In the production of our products we use high quality materials that create a unique appearance, which is preserved during long distance transportation. Geographical location allows using natural sunflower as a raw material. The combination of modern equipment from the best world and Russian manufacturers and the use of advanced technology for the production of vegetable oils without the use of extraction allow us to produce high quality products.