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ARGSEA AGENTINA SEAFOOD is at your service with more than 10 years of experience in Argentina s seafood industry. We ll assist you to make your purchases of frozen seafood in our country as easy, secure and efficient as possible. We are close to packers, with our head office located in Mar del Plata, Argentina s most important fishing port, where thousands of tones of a great variety of species are landed every year. We also have representatives in other important ports as San Antonio, Puerto Madryn, Comodoro Rivadavia and Puerto Deseado, controlling quality in origin for us. The quality of all the products and brands we deal with are controlled by our technical personnel in order to fulfill the norms required by the International Authorities (HACCP-cGMP-SSOP) and customer s specifications. Why work with us?1. Market knowledge: we know market conditions, exporters, products and prices in deep. 2. Quality Control: we control the quality if necessary from landing of raw material till loading of the goods on board the container or tramper vessel. 3. Logistics: we keep close track of shipping documents issuing in order to get then ready properly and in time. We also negotiate freight rates for our customers if required.Main species : Anchovy (Engraulis anchoita), Angel Shark (Squatina argentina), Hake (Merluccius hubbsi), Red Shrimp (Pleoticus muellieri), Big Snail (Zidona dufresnay), Blackbelly rose fish (Helicolenus dactylopterus lahillei), Blue Cod (Pseudopercis semifasciata), Blue Whiting (Micromesistius australis), Chub Mackerel (Scomber japonicus), Elephantfish(Callorhynchus callorhynchus), Flathead (Percophis brasiliensis), Flounder (Paralichthys spp.), Grenadier (Coelorhynchus fasciatus), Grouper (Acantistius brasilianus), Hoki(Macruronus magallanicus), King Crab (Lithodes santolla), Kingclip (Genypterus Blacodes), Mussel (Mytilus edulis platensis), Patagonian blenny (Eleginops Maclovinus), Patagonian smoothhound (Mutelus shimitti), Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), Pomfret (Cheilodatylus bergi), Pompano (Trachynotus glaucus), Red Cod (Salilota australis), Red Snapper (Spaus pagrus), Sand Shark (Carcharhinidae), Scallop (Zygochlamis patagonica), Seatrout (Cynoscion Striatus), Silver Warehou (Sariolella porosa), Skate (Rajidae spp.), Southern Hake (Merluccius polilepsis), Squid(Illex argentinus), and White Croaker (Micropogonias furnieri). Products: Land Frozen, Frozen on Board (FAS), Value Added, Fishmeal & Oil, Bait. Whole round (W/R), H&G, H&G&T, Fillets skinless or skin on, Fishblock PBO or PBI, Breaded products, Shatter packed or IQF. Look forward to start working with you.Carlos Laveneziana+54 9223 5299 282skype: carlos_lavenezianalaveneziana*