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HR: Znači, sami naziv "mekper's" nastao je na način da su prva tri slova naših prezimena Perc i Perlić bila ključna u stvaranju brenda "mekPer's" (dok je tada značenje riječi „mek“ na starorudeški predstavljalo: "...navrati, baš te je lijepo za vidjeti..."). I tada je krenulo bez prestanka, sve do dana današnjeg! Kasnije kroz godine, saznalo se da je neki amerikanac uzeo "mek“ u svoj naziv, ali na engleskom "mek" se piše „Mc“. Međutim, to nije omelo naše starije, koji su usprkos tome i dalje nastavili sa kvalitetom, a ne kvantitetom! Upravo radi toga, danas imamo brand "mekPer's" koji je zaslužan za kvalitetu koju nudimo svojim gostima. EN: Thus, the name of the "mechper's" was created in such a way that the first three letters of our surnames Perc and Perlic were key to the creation of "mekPer's" inside (while then the meaning of the word "mek" in Old Norse was: "... come back, It's nice to see ... "). And then it went without ceasing until today! Later in the years, it was learned that some American took "meek" in their own name, but "soft" was written in English by Mc. However, this is not an appalling thing for our elders who, in spite of this, continued their quality, This is exactly why we now have the brand "mekPer's" which is credited with the quality that we offer to our guests.