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FI: Teerenpeli-ketjun toinen oma ravintola avattiin Tampereelle vuonna 1998. Kaupungin ytimessä sijaitseva Teerenpeli on tunnettu paitsi oman panimon tuotteista myös monipuolisesta liveohjelmastaan. Poikkea illanviettoon Hippaheikin, Vauhtiveikon ja muiden teerenpeliläisten seuraan! EN: Teerenpeli Group is a family-owned company which consists of Teerenpeli Brewery & Distillery, Teerenpeli restaurants and Taivaanranta, A la carte restaurant. Teerenpeli restaurants are situated in Helsinki, Tampere, Turku, Lappeenranta, Jyväskylä and Lahti. Taivaanranta restaurant you can find from Lahti. Teerenpeli restaurants offer a large selection of home-brewed and imported beers and ciders. Beers and ciders brewed by Teerenpeli Brewery are famous around Finland and have won several prizes in different competitions. TeerenDeli menu also offers sandwiches, salads, tapas and other small snacks, every day until closing time.