Мы объединяем людей разных взглядов и предпочтений с единой целью – раскрывать вкус к жизни, поднимая гастрономические и эстетические настроения. Предъявляя высокие требования к себе и нашему продукту, мы предлагаем лучшее нашим гостям - деловым партнерам, друзьям и семьям. Каждый – наш желанный гость, вокруг которого мы создаем атмосферу душевного комфорта, семейного радушия и понимания. Благодаря международному опыту и преданности лучшим кулинарным традициям наше видение вкуса непременно совпадет с вкусами нашего гостя. Ресторан Familia - это наше общее дело, основанное на принципах доверия, толерантности и европейской демократичности. Мы надеемся, что Familia станет и Вашей традицией. The FAMILIA Restaurant is located in the heart of old Kharkov and introduces our patrons to the age-old gastronomic traditions of our city. Our menu includes European cuisine dishes that were popular in Kharkov restaurants at the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX centuries. FAMILIA’s chef recreated these dishes using old Kharkov restaurateurs’ recipes. Our restaurant consists of the main dining room, gastronomic and banquet rooms, and the FAMILIA Garden – the outdoor dining area with the open fire grill in it. Upon entering our establishment, you become absorbed by the appeasing atmosphere of an old ancestral mansion and its garden. We can seat up to 40 guests in our restaurant’s three rooms. The FAMILIA garden can cater for up to 40 persons as well. Our restaurant’s quiet atmosphere, its exquisite food, and excellent wine tend to take us far away from the everyday city bustle and slow down the hours that rush by us too fast. We dedicated our opening to the celebration of the 150-year anniversary of the establishment of Kharkov’s first restaurants. While paying tribute to the rich and varied history of our city and its restaurant traditions, we are not seeking to create a museum here at FAMILIA. The portrait of old Kharkov, so dear to its residents, yet new and unexpected to its guests, is displayed here only by light lines and sketches, like an old and faded photo that takes one back in time many years, to a city of great and illustrious names…