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Savage Garden has a unique space, perfect for the organization of all kinds of events. Surprise your clients, colleagues or family with an original place directly connected with a garden situated on the square. Press conferences, special occasions, parties or weddings will be a pleasant experience. Professional service and our warm and friendly team will be there to welcome you with a smile. Savage Garden je originálnym priestorom na usporiadanie podujatí rôzneho zamerania. Prekvapte Vašich klientov, kolegov, ci rodinu jedinečným priestorom prepojeným so záhradou na námestí. Tlačové konferencie, oslavy, svadby, či večierky budú u nás príjemným zážitkom. Čaká Vás profesionálny servis a vždy usmiata obsluha.