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The Golden Horseshoe restaurant is newness in Kassa. It's located in a silent area of the KVP block of flat city part, where the landscape provides a beautiful view. The attraction is increased also by easy approach by many traffic species, also for pedestrians. It's a perfect recreation place thanks to its location and services. Besides the nice environment, there's a wide choice of traditional Slovak food waiting for the guests of The Golden Horseshoe Cottage which can be consumed in a parlour or at the open terrace. There's a four track bowling club and a playground, where every guest can find his right place. Our restaurant's complex solution represents a new, modern style, which connects the offered services symmetrically. Reštaurácia Koliba Zlatá podkova je novinkou v Košiciach, svojim hosťom ponúka príjemnú atmosféru so širokým výberom slovenských jedál. Nachádza sa v mestskej časti Košice Sídlisko KVP v tichom prostredí s panorámou lúk a lesov. Atraktivitu územia znásobuje výhodná dopravná dostupnosť pre všetky druhy dopravy, ako aj pre peších. Vďaka svojej polohe a ponúkaným službám je ideálnym miestom pre oddych a relax. Komplexné riešenie Koliby Zlatá podkova reprezentuje nový štýl moderného zariadenia, ktoré symetricky spája všetky ponúkané služby.