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Claypots Barbarossa is not different from the essence of Claypots St Kilda and Claypots Evening Star. This venue was built under the concept of hospitality, friends a place where people feel warm, welcoming and delighted. We have thought about our friends who have been loyal to our traditions, besides the love for music and food; for this reason, this venue is located in the city. It is convenient for those looking for a quick and tasty lunch, those who want to share drinks after work, or couples looking for a different and romantic dinner accompanied by the classic live jazz of Duo Severini, or Céd Le Mélédo. Our chef are creative and adventurous when designing recipes. For this reason, our menu changes monthly. Claypots Barbarossa is the perfect venue to recreate the traditional European style “Aperitivo Hour” which is a special buffet of tapas-style snacks complementary to accompany drinks. Barbarossa offers a homely feel for our guests; bookshelves line the upper reaches of the restaurant; it is a refuge to escape from the chaos of the city where people will relax.