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HR: Ugodan ambijent restorana zadržao je elemente tradicije, ali suvremnenim uređenjem poručuje da se razvija u duhu vremena i u skaldu sa zahtjevima suvremenog gosta. Vina – više od 120 etiketa vina – izbor najvažnijih Hrvatskih vinskih etiketa iz svih vinogradarskih regija Hrvatske, promoviranje Hrvatske vinske baštine kroz kontinuiranu provokaciju osjetila. EN: The pleasant ambience of the restaurant has kept the elements of tradition, but modern decorating says it is developing in the spirit of time and in line with the requirements of a contemporary guest. Wines - more than 120 wine labels - the selection of the most important Croatian vinegar labels from all the wine-growing regions of Croatia, promotion of the Croatian wine heritage through the continuous provocation of the senses.