” MedRainus ” arose with different Mediterranean flavors. A historical name that derived from Latin language and a part from ancient civilization. The word ” MedRainus ”, meant at that time, “in the middle of the earth” because of its place between three continents Europe, Asia and Africa. Which made our restaurant in the center of the heart, taking place in Jeddah city (Bride of the Red Sea). Once you enter our restaurant, your journey begins in one of the charming suburbs of the small beach towns, where the decoration of ” MedRainus ” mimics every delightful and attractive details. The melodies of lovely music, the spirit of delicious dishes, and the pleasant atmosphere combining with the classy hospitality, all that and more to give the spirit of the dishes, made them carefully, and serve them with passion. The experience is complete to always remain the closest and most beloved to your heart, and you will not hesitate to repeat it in ” MedRainus ”.