HR:Izletište Zlatne gorice osim što je smješteno na prekrasnom imanju okruženom vinogradima nudi kompletnu gastronomsku idilu zbog koje se svaki gost koji je jedanput iskusio čari Zlatnih gorica rado vraća na provjereno mjesto. Ljepota prirode, čisti zrak i prekrasan pog.led na Varaždin su jedan od razloga zašto gosti Zlatne gorice prepoznaju kao mjesto gdje njihovo vrijeme vrijedi puno više. Samo par minuta vožnje od Varaždina i već su se odmaknuli od ubrzane zbilje, gustog prometa i svakodnevnih briga. Uz pozdravne riječi tu će vas dočekati domaćin koji će vam uz nezaobilazno piće dobrodošlice vrlo rado predstaviti kompletnu ponudu Zlatnih gorica pa tako redom. U četiri salona, u kojima se osjećate kao da ste u nekom drugom vremenu, uživajte u zavičajnim jelima varaždinskog kraja. Uz domaći kuruzni kruh, meso na brajdama, puricu z mlincima, pohane žablje tacice i kajkakva dnevna iznenađenja sjetit ćete se kako su to nekad kuhale naše bake. EN:The Zlatna Gorica Excursion, besides being situated in a beautiful estate surrounded by vineyards, offers a complete gastronomic idyll, because every guest who once experienced the charms of the Golden Bells is happy to return to a proven place. The beauty of nature, the clean air and the wonderful location on Varaždin are one of the reasons why guests of the Golden Gulf recognize it as a place where their time is worth much more. Just a couple of minutes drive from Varaždin and have already moved away from the accelerated reality, heavy traffic and everyday worries. In addition to the welcoming words, you will be welcomed by a host who will welcome you with the inevitable drink of welcome with the complete offer of Zlatni gorici and so on. In the four salons, where you feel like you are at some other time, enjoy the local food of the Varaždin region. Along with home-made curry bread, grilled meat, turkey sausage, fried ferns and kayak's daily surprises, you will remember how they once cooked our grandmothers.