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HR: Cijela prica o banjalučkim ćevapima u Zadru počela je još 1997.i održala se do danas kao dokaz kvalitete i originalnosti. Uz svima poznate banjalučke ćevape u ponudi imamo i ostala jela sa roštilja, također spravljena po dugogodišnjoj recepturi. Kao posebnost valja istaknuti da su svi proizvodi u ponudi pripremljeni i spravljeni od strane našeg roštilj majstora i vlasnika Dinka, što garantira autentičnost i jedinstvenost naše ponude. Dođite i uvjerite se sami! EN: The whole story about the Banja Luka cuisines in Zadar began in 1997 and has been up to date as evidence of quality and originality. In addition to all the famous Banja Luka coffee houses, we also have other barbecue dishes, also made with a long-standing recipe. As a special feature, it is worth mentioning that all the products on offer are prepared and made by our grinder of master and owner Dinka, which guarantees the authenticity and uniqueness of our offer. Come and see for yourself!