(Cuisine EUROPEAN)
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HR: Nevidljivom povezanošću, restoran Mano i Gliptoteka prerasli su u sjajan umjetnički tandem. Stvarajući viziju, Mano je ostao vjeran početnoj, vrlo jasnoj ideji restorana koji kroz svoj intimni svijet neprestano prezentira svekolike mogućnosti gastronomije. Kao pravi inovator, Mano kulturološki i sadržajno nastavlja graditi nekadašnji sjaj zagrebačke industrijske baštine 19. stoljeća, postajući tako predvodnik evolucije u kulinarstvu. Restoran Mano otvoren je 2005. godine s ciljem postavljanja svjetskih standarda u gastronomiji s visoko kvalitetnim lokalnim namirnicama. Mano je time stvorio jasno prepoznatljivu fuziju različitih internacionalnih kulinarskih iskustava izmiješanih s lepezom lokalnih kulturnih gastro utjecaja oblikovanih prirodnim bogatstvima. Mano predstavlja klasičnu crossover kuhinju koja pruža jedinstveno gurmansko iskustvo i ne libi se neprestano preispitivati mogućnosti osjetilnih užitaka. EN: With invisible connectivity, the restaurant Mano and Gliptoteka have grown into a brilliant artistic tandem. By creating a vision, Mano has remained faithful to the original, very clear idea of ​​a restaurant that through its intimate world is constantly presenting all the possibilities of gastronomy. As a real innovator, Mano continues to cultivate the cultural and content of the former glamor of the 19th century industrial heritage of Zagreb, becoming the leader of evolution in culinary art. Restaurant Mano was opened in 2005 with the aim of setting world standards in gastronomy with high quality local foods. The hand has thus created a clearly recognizable fusion of various international culinary experiences blended with the range of local cultural gastro-influences shaped by natural resources. Hand is a classic crossover kitchen that provides a unique gourmet experience and does not want to constantly re-examine the sensory pleasure possibilities.