Hotel restaurant with capacity of 100 places will offer you all-day boarding and pleasing atmosphere by the festal or common dinner. During all year it offers specialities of regional cooking and to serenity of guests also summer restaurant with terrace with the roof and bar are conducing. Owner of pension is heeding over quality of service and guests' satisfaction. Hotelová reštaurácia s kapacitou 100 miest Vám poskytne celodenné stravovanie a príjemnú atmosféru pri sviatočnom či bežnom obede a večeri. Počas celého roka ponúka špeciality regionálnej kuchyne a k pohode hostí prispieva aj letná reštaurácia so zastrešenou terasou a barom. Nad kvalitou obsluhy a spokojnosťou hostí dbá majiteľka penziónu.