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SI: Dobrote naše izvrstne kuhinje vam lahko postrežemo kjerkoli. Ne poskrbimo le za zadovoljitev vaših gurmanskih želja, posvetimo se vam v celoti: za vas izberemo primerno okolje, okolico uredimo v skladu z vašimi željami, hrana bo srce celotnega doživetja. Z veseljem bomo pomagali pisati zgodbo vaše poroke, intimne večerje ob soju sveč, sprejema, otvoritve, družabnega večera in o ostalih vaših doživetjih. Stopite v stik z nami, z veseljem vam bomo svetovali! EN: We can serve the good of our exquisite cuisine anywhere. We take care not only to satisfy your gourmet desires, but to fully devote ourselves to you: we choose an appropriate environment for you, we will arrange the surroundings according to your wishes, food will be the heart of the whole experience. We will be happy to help you write the story of your wedding, intimate dinner with a candlelight, reception, opening, social dinner and your other experiences. Contact us, we will be happy to advise you!