SI: Malo drugače! Restavracija Prego smo družinsko podjetje s šestletno tradicijo, vendar pa smo že vse življenje zapriseženi gostinci. Naš slogan je "Malo drugače!". Bogati krožniki in nepozaben okus, so atributi, po katerih nas pomnijo naši redni gostje, katere je prepričal že prvi obisk. Vabljeni v naš prvi dom z najlepšim pogledom v Portorožu. Pričakujemo vas vsak dan med 10. in 23. uro. EN: A little different! Restaurant We are a family business with a six-year tradition, but we have been sworn hosts all the time. Our slogan is "A little different!" Rich plates and an unforgettable taste are attributes that are remembered by our regular guests, who convinced them the first visit. Welcome to our first home with the most beautiful view in Portoroz. We are expecting you every day between 10 am and 11 pm.