HR: Šetajući centrom Zagreba već otprilike znamo neka mjesta koja su godinama poznata po nečemu. No pizzeria Lira, u Teslinoj ulici, oduvijek je bila romantični kutak gdje smo se mogli skriti i uživati sa svojim prijateljima ili ljubavima od znatiželjnih pogleda. Topla atmosfera uvijek je doprinosila dobrom osjećaju da se u Liri ne samo može dobro provesti nego i pojesti vrhunska pizza. Okružena stotinama pizzeria, Lira je imala taj jedan gradski štih i posebnost što ju je i isticalo od drugih. Oni koji su posjetili to slatko mjesto znaju o čemu govorimo, a oni koji nisu znamo da će im Lira, kao i nama, ući pod kožu. Dragi naši happy-evci uzmite svog prijatelja ili neku dragu osobu pod ruku i odšećite romantičnim korakom u Liru te se počastite pizzom i pričajte do dugo u noć! Mi vam želimo lijep provod i dobar tek znajući da ćete iz Lire izaći s osmijehom na licu. EN: Walking around the center of Zagreb we already know some places that have been known for something for years. But the Lira pizzeria, on Tesla Street, has always been a romantic corner where we could hide and enjoy with your friends or loves with curious views. The warm atmosphere has always contributed to the good feeling that Liri can not only spend well and eat top quality pizza. Surrounded by hundreds of pizzerias, Lira had this one of the city's charms and the specialty that had been emphasized by others. Those who have visited this sweet spot know what we are talking about, and those who do not know that Lira, as well as us, will come under the skin. Dear our happy-friends, take your friend or some kind of handy person and take a romantic step in Lire and treat yourself to a pizza and talk for a long time in the night! We want you a good time and good just knowing that you will leave Lire with a smile on your face.