The best Moscow Summer Verandah with a striking old city view is open. Now you can both listen to a live music and taste traditional Italian dishes by famous Chef Flaviano Biazatti in the Ital-Bar of “Varvary” restaurant. Anatoly Komm, being a Chef of “Varvary” restaurant, was called one of the best Chefs of the World in COCO book issued by American publishing house Phaidon Press, specializing on editing of the books on Arts. Opening address to the article was written by great Ferran Adria-Chef Number 1 in Haute Cuisine World. “Varvary” restaurant got the high appreciation in a prestigious international rating of Rafael Garcia Santos “Lo major de la Gastronomia”. “Varvary” became one of the best restaurants of the world getting 8,5 points from 10 possible.