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ALIMECO S.A. was founded as a member of TRACO Group of Companies, a general trading group involved in a variety of businesses (foods and feedstuffs, representative of the brands Hugo Boss and Strellson etc). In 1988 ALIMECO became independent from the group, focusing on international commodity trading and specializing in basic agricultural products. It also benefited from the supplier of ANDRE-Lausanne as exclusive representative of said company in Greece. Over the years ALIMECO has developed a wide network of reliable business partners in Greece and abroad. Acting as broker on their behalf or independently, it is able to secure and execute important business deals. The company's headquarters are in Athens, Greece. However, it has extended its business activities in the Balkan area (Bulgaria, Romania etc) as well as in the European Union and third countries. ALIMECO's solid organization combined with the specialized and efficient personnel guarantees not only the successful execution of business deals but also its future development.