HR: Novi Zagreb, još od svojeg početka, bio je dom raznih restorana koji su privlačili brojne građane a najtraženija hrana bila su upravo jela s roštilja. Po pitanju popularizacije jela s roštilja Zapruđe je imalo značajnu ulogu. U vrijeme kada se gradilo naselje postojala je “pečenjara” koja je hranila mnogobrojne radnike koji su zaslužni I za izgradnju kompleksa u kojem se danas nalazi “Grill Chevos”. Odlučili smo nastaviti grill tradiciju na nešto drugačiji način nego što je Vaše nepce naviklo. Strast i kreativnost naših kuhara osjetit ćete već nakon prvih zalogaja. EN: Since its inception, New Zagreb has been the home of many restaurants that attracted many citizens, and the most wanted foods were grilled dishes. With regard to the popularization of barbecue dishes, Zapruđe played a significant role. At the time of the settlement, there was a "bakery" that fed many workers who were responsible for the construction of the complex where Grill Chevos is today. We decided to continue the grill tradition in a slightly different way than your taste buds were accustomed to. You will feel the passion and creativity of our chefs after the first snacks.