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Recently Japanese cuisine is surely among the diet of our compatriots. Restaurant «Chio Chio San» will meet you with it's easy atmosphere of the orient, where there is a refined style and comfort. Our restaurant is completely different from all the local Japanese restaurants. Cuisine restaurant is not only high quality products but also the author's approach to food preparation. In cooking uses top-quality fish and one of the best varieties of rice. Dishes in «Chio Chio San» prepare by the recipes that were created over decades. Special attention is paid to the filing and registration of culinary creations. Each dish, now out of the hands of the master - is a complete work of art. Here you can enjoy a great selection of sushi - a traditional Japanese dish. However, besides sushi, Japanese cuisine is also famous for dishes such as sashimi, nigiri, yaki tori, unagi, teriaki rolls, that you can also enjoy in our restaurant.