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Seabreeze Cafe has undergone a full renovation and refurbishment in mid-2013 and has proudly re-opened its doors with an exciting, fresh and vibrant new look. With an emphasis on fresh, local produce and live action cooking we offer a variety of themed dinner buffets throughout the week as well as an international seasonal a la carte menu every day. We offer great value in everything we do and families are especially spoiled as "Kid's Eat Free' and we even offer a designated kid's buffet and kid's menu. Our signature "Sumptuous Seafood" dinner buffet is not be missed with an unparalleled selection of the very freshest Andaman seafood every Tuesday and Saturday evening (reservations are advised!). Don't forget, we also offer one of the most lavish breakfast buffets available on the island and our professional and friendly team are ready and waiting to welcome you to Seabreeze Cafe!