HR: Mi smo grill "Kod Dede", restoran specijaliziran za jela s roštilja. Osjetite pravi grill i ukusnu hranu u spoju toplog i rustikalnog prostranog ambijenta. Očekuju vas razna jela s roštilja: ćevapi, ražnjići, varijacije na temu pljeskavica i dodatne majstorije od mesa poput beefsteaka, zagrebačkog, vratine i purećih prsa. Uz standardnu ponudu priloga; pommes frites i razne salate, donosimo vam gravče na tavče, krumpir na police i đuveđ. Porcije su velike a o kvalitete ćete odlučiti Vi. Veliku pažnju posvećujemo i prezentaciji jela sa prigodnim ukrasima. Miješano meso je iz vlastite izrade, miješano - svinjetina - bik, u obradi naših vrsnih grill majstora. EN: We grill "Kod Dede", a restaurant specializing in grilled dishes. Feel the real grill and delicious food in the combination of warm and rustic spacious ambience. Various barbecue dishes are waiting for you: beans, beets, varieties on the apple and extra meat motifs like beefsteak, zagreb, jacket and breasts. With the standard offer offer; Pommes frites and various salads, we bring you gravès on casseroles, potatoes on the shelves and grate. Portions are great and you will decide on the quality. We also pay close attention to the presentation of dishes with decorative decorations. Mixed meat is made from our own, mixed - pork - bull, in the processing of our excellent grill masters.