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HR: Mitnica je jedan od dva restorana Labus, u zagrebačkim krugovima vrlo cijenjenima po, u prvom redu, izvanredno pripremljenim jelima s roštilja. Mitnica se nalazi na Črnomercu uz sam potok, i "mlađi je brat“ restorana MZ na Ravnicama. Ponuda i kvaliteta identični su u oba – dobra i odlična. Prevladava klasična ponuda mesa s roštilja karakteristična za naše i "nešto istočnije“ podneblje.Od dva spomenuta restorana, mi smo svoje „utočište“ pronašli u Mitnici, i to iz vrlo praktičnih razloga – jer smo susjedi. Jednostavno nazovemo, naručimo, i čeka nas spremno jelo i stol, ili, kada je i 20 minuta luksuz s obzirom na obveze, jelo nas čeka spremno „za van“. Ipak, za potpuni doživljaj, toplo preporučamo ovu prvu verziju, dakle jesti u restoranu. Možda neobično s obzirom na vrstu ponude u restoranu, a koja uključuje različita jela s roštilja, variva, gulaše, i općenito „težu“ hranu primjereniju hladnijim mjesecima, mi u Mitnicu ipak češće hodočastimo u ljetnim mjesecima. U potrazi za obrokom koji će nas istovremeno osvježiti i utažiti malu glad zaustavili smo se kod čuvene šopske salate. Povrće je uvjek svježe. EN: The Mitnica is one of the two Labus restaurants, in Zagreb's circles, highly appreciated by, in the first place, extraordinarily grilled dishes. Mitnica is located in Črnomerec near the stream, and the "younger brother" of the MZ restaurant on the Ravnicama, offering and quality are identical in both - good and excellent.Over classical offer of grilled meat is characteristic of ours and "something east". Mentioned restaurants, we found our "sanctuary" in Mitnica, for very practical reasons - because we are neighbors. Simply call, order, and wait for us ready meal and table, or, when it's 20 minutes luxury due to obligations, the dish is waiting for us ready for "out". However, for a complete experience, we strongly recommend this first version, so eat at the restaurant. Perhaps unusual with regard to the type of offer in the restaurant, which includes various barbecued, raspberry, goulash, and generally "harder" foods more suitable for colder months, we often go to Mitnica in the summer months. In search of a meal that will simultaneously refresh us and overcome the small hunger, we stopped at the well-known spice salad. The vegetable is always fresh,