EN : Cicala Trattoria - Back in 1997 a unique opportunity started to present itself in the centre of Prague – an opportunity to taste the real Italian cuisine flourishing under the baton of the culinary maestro Aldo Cicala. Today it has already been fifteen years since the restaurant opened for the first time and over these years it has won renown for its cosy family atmosphere, received numerous prestigious awards and welcomed many famous personalities. The restaurant owes its success first and foremost to its rich homemade Italian cuisine served with great attention to detail under the supervision of the talented chef David Cicala and to its emphasis on the quality of traditional ingredients. The restaurant also earned its high reputation thanks to the always friendly and accommodating staff who are also members of the Cicala family and create a genuine family atmosphere. Cicala Trattoria Our restaurant is located in the centre of Prague near Wenceslas Square and the National Museum. Coming in from Žitná Street, you will enter the front area of our restaurant ideal for a midday siesta over a cup of real Italian espresso at a marble bar or simply for relaxing in front of the TV, watching sports matches and enjoying a carafe of delicate wine from the Abruzzo region. Going down the stairs, you will find yourself in the typical Italian trattoria ambience. You can have a nice sit-down with friends in our main restaurant area with a dominant bar or enjoy one of our two separate lounges suitable for family celebrations or corporate events. Our restaurant is entirely non-smoking! CZ : Cicala Trattoria – píše se rok 1997 a v centru Prahy vzniká nevšední možnost poznat pravou italskou gastronomii vzkvétající pod taktovkou kulinářského mistra, jménem Aldo Cicala. Dnes je tomu dlouhých osmnáct let, během nichž si restaurant s rodinnou atmosférou vydobyl své renomé, získal věhlasná ocenění a přivítal řadu světově známých osobností. Tento úspěch pramení v prvé řadě z bohaté domácí italské kuchyně s důrazem na kvalitu tradičních surovin, která je servírována s velkou pečlivostí a především pod dohledem talentovaného šéfkuchaře, David Cicala. Odrazem dobré pověsti restaurace je rovněž srdečný a přátelský přístup obsluhy z řad rodinných příslušníků, kteří navodí tu správnou domácí atmosféru.