HR:Želite li doživjeti Mediteran, shvatiti taj svijet i njegov način razmišljanja, morate izaći na ulicu ili trg, spokojno se smjestiti u jednoj točki u hladovini i s čašom nečega hladnog i osvježavajućeg promatrati prolaznike. Zbog velikog broja sunčanih dana u godini veći dio života ljudi ovdje provode na otvorenom i ta je klimatska činjenica ključna za razumijevanje mentaliteta. Sve je izloženo oku drugoga, ne možete se sakriti, novosti i tračevi brzo putuju toplim zrakom. U prvi trenutak to će vas možda iznenaditi, pa i neugodno. Dolazite li iz koje hladne sjevernjačke zemlje gdje se živi suzdržanije i tiše, trebat će vam neko vrijeme da se naviknete na ovu drsku, bučnu, indiskretnu zajednicu. EN:If you wish to feel Mediterranean, understand that world and its way of thinking you have to go out to a street or a square, rest comfortably in one point at shadow holding a glass of something cold and refreshing watching people passing by. Due to the great number of days with sunshine most part of the year is spent at open space and this climate fact is crucial for understanding the mentality. Everything is exposed to other people's eye, you cannot hide, gossips and news do travel fast by warm air. At the first instance this might come as a surprise to you or even embarrass you. If you are coming from some cold northern country where life is more restrained and quite you would need certain time to adapt to this presumptuous, noisy, indiscreet society.