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EN: The contents provided by ARUME and discharges into the network through its web pages, a work in the sense of intellectual property law are so protected by laws and international conventions on the subject. Is prohibited any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication, processing, disposal and, in general, any other deed of public procedure referring both to the Web pages and their contents and information, without the express prior written consent of ARUME.As a result, all the contents displayed at different websites, specially designs, texts, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names, trade marks industrial or any other signs susceptible of industrial and commercial use are subject to intellectual and industrial ARUME or third party owners who have duly authorized their inclusion in the different websites owned.The contents, images, forms, opinions, indexes and other formal expressions that are part of the Web pages, as well as necessary for the operation and display of the same software, are also a work in the sense of copyright and are, therefore, protected by international conventions and national laws on intellectual property that may apply. Failure to comply with the above implies carrying serious illegal acts and its persecution through civil and criminal law.It is prohibited any act by virtue of which the users of the services or contents can exploit or commercially served, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, any of the content, images, forms, indexes and other formal expressions that are part of the web pages without prior written permission of ARUME.In particular, and without limitation, it is prohibited to reproduce, distribute, display, transmission, broadcasting, emission in any form, store in hardware or software (eg , diskettes or hard disks), digitalize or make available from databases other than those belonging to the authorized by ARUME and its translation, adaptation, arrangement or any other form these opinions, images, forms, indexes and other formal expressions that are made available to Users through the services or content, as such acts are subject to the applicable law in intellectual, industrial or image protection Property.ARUME is free to restrict access to web pages, and services offered therein, and the subsequent publication of the opinions, observations, images or comments that users can reach him via email.ARUME in this sense, it may, if it deems appropriate, subject to the sole and exclusive responsibility of the users, the necessary filters to avoid through their web pages can be spread in the network contents or opinions considered racists, xenophobic, discriminatory, pornographic, defamatory or which in any way could generate violence or the propagation of clearly illegal or harmful content.The Users sending to Web pages ARUME, his department suggestions, observations, opinions or comments via e-mail service, unless they express a certain way and unmistakable otherwise, in cases where the nature of the services or contents this could be possible, it is understood that authorize ARUME for reproduction, distribution, display, transmission, broadcasting, emission in any form, stored in physical media or logical (eg, diskettes or hard disks), digitalization, availability from data bases belonging to ARUME, translation, adaptation, arrangement or any other alteration of such observations, opinions or comments, all the time protection copyright law is intended. It is also understood that this authorization is granted for free, and that the mere fact of sending by email such observations, opinions or comments, the Users decline any remuneration claim by ARUME.In accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, ARUME is also authorized to carry out the modification or alteration of such observations, opinions or comments, in order to adapt to the needs of editorial format of web pages, which can be understood why it exists at all any kind of injury to any of the moral faculties of copyright users might hold over them.Is forbidden any technical, logical or technological resource through which a third party may benefit, directly or indirectly, with or without profit, every one of the contents, forms, indexes and other formal expressions that are part of the web pages, or carried out by ARUME for operation.In particular, any link, hyperlink, framing or similar link can be established towards ARUME web pages without prior consent in writing of ARUME is prohibited. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall be considered a grievance to the legitimate intellectual Property ARUME on Web pages, and all contents thereof.ARUME not assume any responsibility for any consequences derived from the behaviors and performances mentioned before, the same will not assume any responsibility for the content, services, products, etc., third to which may be accessed directly or through banners, links, hyperlinks, framing or similar links from the websites of ARUME. ESP: ARUME ha adoptado los niveles de seguridad de protección de los datos personales que legalmente se exigen, ha adoptado las medidas técnicas y organizativas exigidas por el Real Decreto 1720/2007, Reglamento de medidas de seguridad de los ficheros automatizados que contengan datos de carácter personal, y ha instalado todos los medios y medidas técnicas a su alcance para evitar la pérdida, mal uso, alteración, acceso no autorizado y robo de los datos facilitados en el site. No obstante, el usuario es consciente de que las medidas de seguridad en Internet no son inexpugnables.El Cliente deberá proteger la confidencialidad de las contraseñas y de los nombres de usuario que ARUME le facilite y asumir plena responsabilidad por Su propio uso, y el de terceros, de Su contraseña o Cuenta. Usted es el único responsable de cualquiera y de todas las actividades (incluyendo el mal uso) que se produzcan bajo Su contraseña o Cuenta. Usted acuerda notificar a ARUME de forma inmediata cuando tenga conocimiento de cualquier uso no autorizado de Su Cuenta o cualquier otro incumplimiento de seguridad del que Usted sea consciente. De vez en cuando, el personal de apoyo de ARUME puede entrar en el Servicio con Su contraseña para mantener o mejorar el Servicio, incluyendo la facilitación de ayuda en temas técnicos. Mediante el presente documento Usted admite y consiente dicho acceso.El sitio web de ARUME contiene enlaces a otros sitios web que se consideran de gran relavancia o interés. ARUME no es responsable de las políticas de privacidad o de contenido de estos sitios web.No se garantiza que los aspectos funcionales del sitio se encuentren libres de error, o que el servidor que lo hace disponible al usuario se encuentre libre de virus o cualquier otro componente de carácter dañino. ARUME no será responsable del daño directo, indirecto, previsto o imprevisto, o cualquier otro, que provoque al sistema de tratamiento de la información del usuario, al usuario o a terceros, el uso del sitio Web y sus servicios. CAT: El Client haurà de protegir la confidencialitat de les contrasenyes i dels noms d'usuari que ARUME li faciliti i assumir plena responsabilitat pel seu propi ús, i el de tercers, de la seva contrasenya o compte. Vostè és l'únic responsable de qualsevol i de totes les activitats (incloent el mal ús) que es produeixin sota La seva contrasenya o Compte. Vostè acorda notificar a ARUME de forma immediata quan tingui coneixement de qualsevol ús no autoritzat de El seu compte o qualsevol altre incompliment de seguretat del que vostè sigui conscient. De tant en tant, el personal de supplier de ARUME poden entrar al servei amb La contrasenya per mantenir o millorar el servei, incloent la facilitació d'ajuda en temes tècnics. Mitjançant el present document Vostè admet i consenteix aquest accés.El lloc web de ARUME conté enllaços a altres llocs web que es consideren de gran relavancia o interès. ARUME no és responsable de les polítiques de privacitat o de contingut d'aquests llocs web. No es garanteix que els aspectes funcionals del lloc estiguin lliures d'error, o que el servidor que el fa disponible a l'usuari es trobi lliure de virus o qualsevol altre component de caràcter nociu. ARUME no serà responsable del dany directe, indirecte, previst o imprevist, o qualsevol altre, que provoqui al sistema de tractament de la informació de l'usuari, l'usuari o de tercers, l'ús del lloc web i els seus serveis.L'Usuari accepta l'ús de galetes i seguiments d'IPs. El nostre analitzador de tràfic del site utilitza cookies i seguiments d'IPs que ens permeten recollir dades a efectes estadístics com: data de la primera visita, nombre de vegades que s'ha visitat, data de l'última visita, URL i domini de la qual prové, explorador utilitzat i resolució de la pantalla. No obstant això, l'usuari si ho desitja pot desactivar i/o eliminar aquestes galetes seguint les instruccions del seu navegador d'Internet.L'entitat no utilitza tècniques de "spamming" i únicament tracta les dades que l'usuari transmeti mitjançant els formularis electrònics habilitats en aquest lloc web o missatges de correu electrònic.