Our history on October 1, 2015 Bombay Masala was opened. First Indian Restaurant in Skovde in about 20 years. In the early 2000s, bombay masala was a dream that a young and ambitious man walked around with. He worked in several different restaurants in India and then when he came to Sweden he was a partner in a number of restaurants in Gothenburg. But he was not satisfied. He wanted to be his own boss, he wanted to work for himself and he decided to open a restaurant. But it is not easy to find a good city and a good local. It took his time but Singh found the perfect place for him. The town was a little small for what he was used to and the venue required the paint and renovation but it was a bad idea for him. His ambition took Bombay Masala from pure dreams into reality and his ambition and patience drives Bombay Masala Today.