The story of "The Kasap Sakir ", which opened its doors in 2014, is based on old times. This story, which was continued by my father Ibrahim, I, Sakir and then my sons and grandchildren, which we call upon with mercy, turned into a commercial enterprise as " butcher Sakir " in 2014 . If there is a message that constitutes the essence of each story, the essence of our story goes through " love ". As a family who likes to eat as much as they like to eat generations; We wanted to share with you my precious guests the first day of eating. We started our business with our feed: We started our business with besmele, we chose the soft tender of the tenderloin, we beat our ribs nicely, brought fresh veggies every day for our salads, thinly sliced, we had a nice tea on the dish, we had a fresh tea, the tea was freshly brewed we said, we made delicious desserts. Then we looked at the smiling face of our mother, the conversations of our brothers and our father's table; We are a family with our employees and hosted you. Our story doesn't have a cool history or great rewards, but we are a family who loves to eat and eat.