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Nezih Kebab Yuvalama was established in 1981 in Istanbul Mercan Yokuşu. Mastery in ethnic food, successful businesses and accuracy on customer service, not only in Turkey drew attention highly in Europe and America. Nezih Kebab Yuvalama, who has been awarded the title of 'Best Local Cuisine' countless times, has managed to make headlines to the New York Times newspaper with its high circulation daily newspaper. Besides, from Turkey, 2001-2002 'also been shown only company among Europe's Top 100 Restaurant and was proud of our country. Nezih Kebab and Nesting with its 45 kebab option has taken its place among the tarafından Best Meat and Kebabs N by various authorities. Ministry of Tourism and Culture of the year 2003 'Best Meat and Kebab Restaurant' as the Nezih, published in many countries in the world by the city guide Time Out 2003 "s best meat restaurant" award was awarded and crowned its success with many other awards.