HR: Najljepše je ovdje, na primjer, u ponedjeljak ili utorak ujutro (tad ima više novina), sve je easy, jastuci su friško rastreseni, konobari opušteni… divota. Sjednete uz izvrsnu Illy kavu, naručite tortu, uzmete još nerazlistane novine, a konobar vam možda da i daljinski od tv-a. I onda još iskoristite sve blagodati Centra Kaptol, obavite sve na jednom mjestu i na kraju opet dođete na jednu kavicu i mineralnu, da se odmorite. EN: The most beautiful is here, for example, on Monday or Tuesday morning (then there are more newspapers), everything is easy, the pillows are frustrated, waiters relaxed ... divine. Sit up with the excellent Illy coffee, order a cake, take some unclassified newspapers, and the waitress may be remotely from the tv. And then take advantage of all the benefits of the Kaptol Center, do everything in one place and finally come back to a single, mineral-like, and to rest.