The story of the Malatya Pazari begins 148 years ago with the modest Malatya Market established by Ali Efendi in his hometown. Hüseyin and Hakkı Brothers, sons of their fathers, enthusiastically pursue the profession. The fate of the Malatya Market changes with the encouragement of Tevfik Temellin, Malatya MP who came to visit Hüseyin and Hakkı brothers in 1942: Why don't you go to Istanbul and introduce Malatian honey, nuts, apricots? For Huseyin and Hakkı brothers who came to Istanbul with enthusiasm, the Egyptian Bazaar, restored by Istanbul Governor Lütfi Kırdar of the time, is attractive and opens a shop here. One of the brothers working together for a while Hakim Bey returned to Malaty, by establishing a halva and biscuit factory proceeds in another way.