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Reaching out from the Mediterranean to the Aegean region, one of Turkey's largest mountain range: The Taurus... A matchless nature with its trees that stay green all year long, its highlands, lakes, rivers and waterfalls... Yörükoğlu, who discovered the value of milks produced by Yoruks (Anatolian nomads who live in the pure, healthy environment of the Taurus) many years ago, is eager to share with you the flavors produced from these milks. Yörükoğlu ranks among Turkey's top 500 industrial giants for the last 8 years, offering a wide range of delicacies from ayran to yogurt, cheese to butter with more than 700 employees and advanced technology on a total area of 35,000 m2 including 15,000 m2 indoor and to 20,000 m2 closed premises. It brings purity and naturality to your tables.