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EN : Welcome in our Texas-restaurant ,,Old Bill's". You can ask why Texas-restaurant? The answer is simple. Texas is the second largest state of American union. Texas has extractive industry (natural gas, graphite, sulphur, asphalt) but this state is especially famous for grazing stock at the plains. This fact had together with geographical position of Texas decisive influence on creation of local cuisine. We are inspired with especially typical steaks which we offer from these meats: beef, pork, veal, turkey, chicken, rabbit, kangaroo, ,,barbecue" (chicken, wings, chicken legs, sausages, etc.) and sandwiches. Nearness of Mexico had unequivocaly express in category of so-called "tex-mex dinners", there are spicy meals that are packaged to flour tortilla. We eke out these traditional Texan meals and children meals. Specialities "Noblesse" create a quite original meals group, these meal are suitable especially for assorted ceremonial occasion. These meals has to be booked 3-4 days beforehand. You can find their offer on page 32th of menu card. Only fresh and original stocks are used for preparation of the all dishes. It ensures the highest quality and genuine taste. CZ : Restaurace "U Starýho Billa" v Brně je pravá Texaská restaurace, kterou najdete v centru Brna. Ptáte se proč právě Texaská restaurace? Odpověď je prostá: Texas, po Aljašce druhý největší stát americké unie, je totiž kromě těžebního průmyslu (zemní plyn, grafit, síra, asfalt) proslulý zejména pastevním chovem dobytka na prériích. Tento fakt měl společně s geografickou polohou Texasu (leží na samém jihu USA v sousedství s Mexikem) rozhodující vliv na vytváření specifické místní kuchyně.