(Cuisine CAFÉ)
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HR: TORTE i to je sretna priča… Priča slučajnosti, sreće i sudbine… Priča koja je krenula sama od sebe i u kojoj se sve dogodilo točno onako kako se trebalo dogoditi… Priča koja je krenula samo s dobrom voljom, bez opreza, čak s više neznanja nego hrabrosti… Ali izgleda kada nešto mora biti onda tako i bude… TORTE i to su sa mnom i s vama već skoro 11 godina. Sve je počelo proizvodnjom naše najpoznatije torte od sira još davne 2005. godine. Sve se poslije toga događalo spontano, prve dostave, prva prodajna mjesta, prvi kafić, prvi novinski članak… Danas smo u Zagrebu na 5 lokacija i u Sarajevu na dvije… Moj je cilj bio stvoriti toplu atmosferu i prenijeti gostima dio te pozitivne, neopterećujuće priče… EN: TORTE is a happy story ... The story of chance, happiness, and destiny ... The story that went from herself and in which everything happened exactly as it should happen ... The story that went only with good will, no precaution, even more ignorance than Courage ... But it looks like something needs to be so and so ... TORTE and they are with me and with you for almost 11 years. It all began with the production of our most famous cheese pie in 2005. Everything after that happened spontaneously, the first deliveries, the first sales points, the first cafe, the first newspaper article ... Today we are in Zagreb on 5 locations and in Sarajevo on two ... My goal was to create a warm atmosphere and to convey to the guests part of that positive, irresistible story ...