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EN: The right place to enjoy the first coffee of the day An ideal neighborhood cafe with music for all hours of the day and night. Macao cafe offers a wide selection of coffees, drinks, and snacks in a soothing and comfortable atmosphere highlighted by vibrant colors. The mexican touches and paint strokes will definetely move you. GR: The right place to enjoy the first coffee of the day Ιδανικό στέκι για όλες τις ώρες. Για καφέ, ποτό, φαγητό. Με μουσική όλων των γούστων. Μια ξεχωριστή ατμόσφαιρα ήχων και χρωμάτων. Μια μεξικάνικη πινελιά που θα σας παρασύρει