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HR: Od prvog dana kad smo otvorili „Kornat“, otvorili smo vrata našeg doma. I tako želimo da se naši gosti osjećaju; dobrodošli u naš dom. Gdje sve naše drage dočekujemo i ispraćamo sa svim najboljim što možemo ponuditi; našom ljubavi prema hrani, radosti življenja, emocijama, zadovoljstvom, karakterom, ljubaznosti, šarmom, našim ponajboljim vinima. Uz pogled na sve brodove koji ulaze i izlaze u luku, pogled na spektakl sunčevog zalaska, na more, na bonace, tramontane i buru. U ovom brzom životu, zaustaviti trenutak, vratiti se s mirisima i okusima u najudobnije mjesto našeg srca. I zato smo tu već više od desetljeća. S otvorenim vratima našeg doma. EN: From the first day we opened the "Kornat", we opened the door to our home. And so we want our guests to feel; welcome to our home. Where we all welcome our dear ones, and with all the best we can offer; our love of food, joy of living, emotions, pleasure, character, kindness, charm, our best wines. With a view of all the boats entering and leaving the harbor, the spectacle of the sunset, the sea, the bonfire, tramontane and fountain. In this fast-paced life, stop the moment, return to the smells and tastes in the most comfortable place in our hearts. And that's why we've been here for more than a decade. With the open door of our home.